VISTEC Scholarships– Vidyasirimedhi Organization of Science and Innovation is welcoming applications for the VISTEC Worldwide Grants 2024-25 from global understudies all around the globe. These are completely financed grants for those understudies who need to read up in Thailand
VISTEC Scholarships for a Graduate degree or Ph.D. Degree programs. The most skilled and meriting understudies will get this chance to concentrate liberated from cost in Thailand. The grant will cover every one of the costs including educational expenses, month to month allowance,
health care coverage, airfare costs, and so forth. Vidyasirimedhi Foundation of Science and Innovation (VISTEC) is one of Thailand’s driving colleges, having some expertise in science and innovation. VISTEC offers a remarkable instructive encounter, with a solid spotlight on examination and development.
VISTEC is focused on furnishing worldwide understudies with the chance to seek after their examinations in Thailand. The Vidyasirimedhi Foundation Grant is accessible for worldwide understudies who wish to learn at VISTEC. This is a magnificent chance for capable understudies from everywhere the world to concentrate on in Thailand.
VISTEC College is eager to offer grants for understudies wishing to seek after an Expert’s or Doctoral certification in Science, Designing, Energy, Sub-atomic, Bio, Data Innovation, and other related fields. This grant will cover every one of the costs essential for concentrating abroad,
including educational cost, travel expenses, and everyday costs. These grants are accessible to understudies from everywhere the world, and we support applications from understudies with assorted foundations and points of view. We accept that this grant will give our beneficiaries the potential chance to seek after their fantasies and have a constructive outcome on the world.

Details About Thailand VISTEC Scholarships 2024:
- Country of Study: Thailand
- Institute: Vidyasirimedhi Institute of Science and Technology
- Course Level: Masters and Ph.D. Degree
- Financial Coverage: Fully Funded
- Eligibility: International students
- Deadline: 31 January 2024.
Benefits of the VISTEC Scholarship 2024:
- College expenses
- Month to month allowances
- Travel costs
- Costs of directing exploration
- Understudies would be urged to partake in Sports Offices and Understudy Exercises
Available Fields and Majors List
- School of Biomolecular Science and Designing (BSE)
- School of Data Science and Innovation (IST)
- Sub-atomic Science and Designing (MSE)
- School of Energy Science and Designing (ESE)
Eligibility Criteria
- All global understudies can apply for VISTEC Grant. VISTEC Scholarships
- You should have a four year certification to apply for an expert’s program.
- A candidate applying for the doctoral program should have a graduate degree.
- You should have a magnificent scholastic record. VISTEC Scholarships
Supporting Documents
- Continue/CV
- Scholarly Records
- Mission statement
- Letters of Proposal
- Confirmation of English grade (TOEFL (iBT), IELTS or CU-TEP)
- Portfolio
- Distributions, Grants, and praises
- other significant archives
The application deadline to apply for VISTEC Scholarships 2024 in Thailand is 31 January 2024.
How to Apply
- Register yourself first through the VISTEC Application framework.
- Pick the program to which you need to apply for affirmation. VISTEC Scholarships
- Complete an Internet based Application structure through their Web-based Entrance for VISTEC Grant 2024.