TANA Foundation Scholarships– TANA Groundwork of USA is satisfied to declare seven $2000/ – (2,000 bucks) Graduate Grants for Telugu understudies who are at present living in Andhra Pradesh Just to seek after advanced education in the USA.
Candidates who are seeking after graduation courses in USA can get grant subtleties and apply for the grant prior to cutoff time. The grants will be granted totally based scholastic record and monetary need. Grants will be given every individual semesters independently.
TANA Establishment’s Alumni Grants 2016-17 reported grant to concentrate on in the USA. Chosen 7 applicant will get the grant measure of $2000, and the establishment will likewise follow the advancement report of the relative multitude of up-and-comers. Determination will be founded on:
- need
- merit,grades, and proposals
- scores in government sanctioned tests like GRE, TOEFL
- notoriety of the School/College in India from which the candidate is graduating,
- notoriety of the school in North America in which the candidate is wanting to seek after advanced education,
- the field of concentrate where the candidate is arranging advanced education,
- extra curricular exercises the candidate is capable in,
provided that the applicantis a Telugu understudy from Andhra Pradesh. In order to avoid any bias in the selection process, the selection committee will include some non-Telugu professionals. Therefore, it is essential that only truly meritorious
and needy students be encouraged to apply so that the committee does not receive an excessive number of applications to review. It is additionally fundamental that all grant applications are gotten with all supporting archives at the latest the last date.

Eligibility Criteria
- Up-and-comers probably been confessed to a Doctoral level college in a US College .The understudies currently in USA won’t be qualified to apply TANA Foundation Scholarships
- Applicants ought to show need for monetary guide. TANA Establishment will evaluate the need dependent additionally upon the data got autonomously from sources other than that given by the candidate TANA Foundation Scholarships
- Every beneficiary should vow to help monetarily, through TANA Establishment, another Telugu understudy from Andhra Pradesh in somewhere around three years in the wake of showing up in the USA. Beneficiary should be in contact with TANA Establishment on half-yearly premise until such commitment is satisfied
Required Information
- Name, Address with pin code and Telephone number (if accessible) of candidate.
- Calling and yearly Pay of candidate. ( Encase all reports in help)
- Name, Address, and Telephone number of Guardians.
- Callings and yearly salaries of guardians. ( Encase all reports in help)
- Total assets of all resources (homes, vehicles, land, ranches, business, reserve funds, ventures and so forth.) of candidate and guardians together. ( Encase all records in help)
- Secondary School and School instructive capabilities, GRE, TOEFL scores, and work insight of the candidate. ( Encase a duplicate of the records) TANA Foundation Scholarships
- Name, Address and Telephone number of the division and the College in the US where the candidate means to select. ( Encase a duplicate of the letter of confirmation)
- Sources to back your schooling including monetary guide and credits. ( Encase duplicates of letters of monetary guide, advance records, bank articulations and I-20 Structure from the College where the candidate is enlisting) TANA Foundation Scholarships
- A letter of suggestion from perhaps of your latest teacher, Teachers and so on. making sense of your scholastic achievements and legitimizing monetary need to get TANA Establishment Grant. Accentuation on legitimization of monetary need is fundamental. TANA Foundation Scholarships
- A marked candidate’s explanation that you vow to help, through TANA Establishment, another Telugu understudy from Andhra Pradesh in no less than three years, and that you vow to be in contact with TANA Establishment on half yearly premise until such commitment is satisfied.
- TANA Establishment’s Grant check will be paid straightforwardly to the College where understudy is intending to select. Really takes a look voluntarily not be given in that frame of mind of the beneficiary.
Selection Process
- The following criteria will be used to make selections:
- need merit, grades,
- and recommendations;
- scores on standardized tests like the GRE and TOEFL;
- reputation of the Indian college or university from which the applicant graduated reputation of the North American school from which the applicant plans to pursue higher education;
- field of study; TANA Foundation Scholarships
- extracurricular activities;
- and only if the applicant is a Telugu student from Andhra Pradesh.
How to Apply for TANA Foundation Scholarships?
Competitors can send their applications with all relevant info and examined connections of supporting reports to prasadkakarala@yahoo.com. only through Express Mail or regular air mail.
Archives required
- Name, Address with pin code and Telephone number (if accessible) of candidate.
- The applicant’s occupation and annual income. Encase all reports in help)
- Name, Address, and Telephone number of Guardians.
- Occupation and yearly livelihoods of guardians. ( Encase all reports in help)
- Total assets of all resources (homes, vehicles, land, ranches, business, reserve funds, ventures and so forth.) of candidate and guardians together. ( Encase all archives in help)
- Secondary School and School instructive capabilities and work insight of the candidate. ( Encase a duplicate of the records) TANA Foundation Scholarships
- Name, Address and Telephone number of the division and the College in the US where the candidate means to select. ( Encase a duplicate of the letter of confirmation) TANA Foundation Scholarships
- Sources to fund for training including monetary guide and advances. ( Encase duplicates of letters of monetary guide, credit reports, bank articulations and I-20 Structure from the College where the candidate is selecting) TANA Foundation Scholarships
- A letter of proposal from one of latest instructors, Teachers and so on. making sense of the scholastic achievements and legitimizing monetary need to get TANA Establishment Grant. Accentuation on legitimization of monetary need is fundamental. TANA Foundation Scholarships
- A marked candidate’s explanation that researcher will vow to help, through TANA Establishment, another Telugu understudy from Andhra Pradesh in the span of three years, and that researcher vow to be in contact with TANA Establishment on half yearly premise until such commitment is satisfied.
- TANA Establishment’s Grant check will be paid straightforwardly to the College where understudy is intending to select. Really takes a look voluntarily not be given in that frame of mind of the beneficiary.