Study tips for students with ADHD Learn quicker. Keep more. Perform better on tests. Yes, indeed. Teens with ADHD can do better on exams without working all night with these study-based strategies.
Especially when it comes to cramming for tests, studying with ADHD can be intimidating. Fortunately, new research indicates that students do not need to study tips more; rather, they should study differently.
The same biology class is being taken by identical twins with ADHD named James and John. James receives an A on the exam while John receives a C+ despite studying for the same amount of time. Why the distinction?
Which Study Method Is Superior?
On Thursday night, the day before the test, John diligently studied for three hours. He looked over the study guide as well as his notes and the textbook once more.
Study tips for students with ADHD In his bedroom, he studied. James studied for three hours Monday through Thursday over four evenings. He created a practice test with his notes, an old quiz, and the study guide. He concentrated on in various areas, including Starbucks and the library.
As John did, 84 percent of students study by rereading the textbook. The issue is that rereading is the most ineffective method of exam preparation. A person with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD or ADD) may find reading to be a challenging method of information acquisition. Perusing is detached. It’s like watching your coach play basketball to learn how to play.
Study tips for students with ADHD Making a practice test is the best way to study, according to research. Try to anticipate the exam questions your teacher may ask. Examine your study guide, pull out old tests, look through your notes, and inquire about what other students think is important. Create a practice exam after that.

Study tips for students with ADHD List
- Cramming Doesn’t Work — Especially When Studying with ADHD
- Review Your Notes Before Bed
- Exercise Sharpens Brain Focus
- Use Your Nose to Study Better
- Napping, Breaks, and Memory
- Sip a Sugary Drink
Cramming Doesn’t Work — Especially When Studying with ADHD
What other good thing did James do? He made use of what educators refer to as “distributed practice.” To put it another way, he didn’t cram. He studied for four days, 45 minutes each night, for three hours. This works for two reasons.
The first is that James surveyed the material a few times, acquiring experience with it. He slept on it, which is the second most important thing. You learn while you sleep. When you sleep, your brain is more active than when you are awake.
Study tips for students with ADHD You replay the events of the day in your head while you sleep, as well as the information you’ve learned. In the case of James, he went over the biology material four times while he was sleeping.
John put in a lot of effort studying for his exam, so he skipped soccer practice on Thursday evening. He didn’t leave his room for a moment. However, despite John’s efforts to concentrate, the electronics in his room—his phone, laptop, and music—distracted him. While studying for the test, John had trouble controlling his attention.
James, on the other hand, was aware that he needed shorter work hours or a different place to study when he became bored. Through trial and error, he discovered that studying outside of his home helped him focus better.
Study tips for students with ADHD To put it another way, James was well-versed in the concept of metacognition, or knowing when and how to employ particular learning strategies. He was aware of what helped and hindered his ability to concentrate. John didn’t really require any more time in the end; he needed to make different use of his time.
The following are some additional study strategies based on research that can help your ADHD child.
Review Your Notes Before Bed
Concentrates on show that you recollect more when you require 10 to 15 minutes not long before you fall asleep to survey what you examined or realized before in the day.
Study tips for students with ADHD This does not imply that students should complete all of their homework before going to bed; however, reviewing what they have learned allows children to process the information while they sleep.
Exercise Sharpens Brain Focus
Especially for students with ADHD, thirty minutes of aerobic exercise four to five days per week improves focus and executive functioning skills. When a student athlete returns from an event, encourage him or her to study on the bus or in the car. Also, think about studying right after practice.
Study tips for students with ADHD Encourage your child to run with your dog or shoot hoops just before he sits down to do his schoolwork if he does not participate in a sport. Ballet, yoga, and tai chi are the most beneficial exercises for students with ADHD because they all require students to focus on their body and mind, but any aerobic exercise will do.
Use Your Nose to Study Better
Study tips for students with ADHD Smell is a strong report instrument. According to research, you may remember more if you are exposed to the same smell while you study and sleep. Place a small dish of essential oil nearby when your child studies; Because it reduces stress, peppermint is a good choice.
Place a little dish of a similar fragrance by her bed while she rests. According to research, her brain will link the scent to the earlier material she studied. According to researchers, this might help her remember more of the information.
Napping, Breaks, and Memory
Study tips for students with ADHD To remember things, most people need eight to nine hours of sleep, but teenagers need more. Afternoon naps of 30 minutes can be beneficial. These naps shouldn’t last more than 30 minutes because they can make it hard to fall asleep at night.
All children, but especially those with ADHD, learn more when they take a break. Studies show that students retain more information when they take breaks in between study sessions as opposed to studying for an extended period of time
Study tips for students with ADHD A student’s brain can review information and material even when he is not aware that he is processing it when he has downtime.
Sip a Sugary Drink
A beverage with some sugar helps with homework performance. Drinks with sugar provide glucose, the brain’s primary fuel source. You won’t be able to concentrate or perform well if your glucose levels are low.
Study tips for students with ADHD Apple juice or Gatorade provide glucose without sugar overloading a child’s system. Up to 10 teaspoons of sugar in soda and other drinks gives you too much glucose, which causes you to crash later and makes it hard to remember things and think clearly.
Therefore, instruct your ADD child to sip rather than gulp a sugary drink. It may help you focus and feel better.
Study tips for students with ADHD In the end, it can have a significant impact on your child’s academic performance at school if you encourage students who struggle with attention to implement a few of these simple strategies.