The Sindh Education Endowment Fund Latest SEEF Scholarships has been announced by the Sindh government. Remarkable Scholarships For Undergraduate Student 2023 The scholarship is provided
by the College Education Department and the Sindh Educational Endowment Fund Trust. Students from low-income families and meritorious students can apply for SEEF scholarships to attend reputable public and private universities or other educational establishments.
A single year’s tuition for the academic years 2022-23 and 2023-24 is covered by the Sindh Education Endowment Fund SEEF Scholarship. Latest SEEF Scholarships
Students enrolled in programs in business administration, information technology, engineering, medicine, pharmacy, agriculture, law, and social sciences are eligible to apply for a SEEF scholarship.
The SEEF Scholarship application deadline is September 30, 2023. The applications should be sent to the universities or institutions they are interested in along with the required supporting documents listed on the application form.

SEEF Scholarship for Undergraduate Students Overview
- Levels: Bachelor
- Fields: All Fields
- Type
Local - Category
Merit & Need Based - Area
Sindh - Deadline
Sindh Education Endowment Fund SEEF Scholarship
Special quota seats for students with special needs 2% Special quota seats for students from minority groups 2% Special quote for orphan students 5% Seats reserved for the children of employees of the Government of Sindh 5%
Sindh Education Endowment Fund SEEF Scholarship 2023 programs
Students enrolled in the following programs are eligible for Latest SEEF Scholarships funding:
- Agriculture EngineeringMedical (MBBS & BDS)
- Social SciencesVeterinary Medicine (DVM)Business AdministrationEngineeringLLB (5 years)
- Doctor of Physiotherapy Information Technology B&D Pharmacy (4 years)
- Doctor of Physiotherapy
Sindh Education Endowment Fund SEEF Scholarship Eligibility Criteria 2023
The applicant must be a permanent resident of the Province of Sindh and have a residence in Sindh. In the academic years 2022-23 and 2023-24, the deserving candidates will enroll in universities and other approved institutions.
Latest SEEF Scholarships Students with a minimum grade point average of 2.5 and a 60% or higher. The income certificate must be signed by the Assistant Commissioner of Revenue or FBR in question;
Latest SEEF Scholarships any other officer’s income certificate will not be accepted. If their parents are in lower-income groups, their children must submit a Service Certificate from their parents
Latest SEEF Scholarships that has been properly issued by the Head of the Institution or Department. Parents and guardians of students have a yearly net income from all sources that does not exceed the income limit.
Ineligibility There is no consideration for an outside panel, a self-financing scheme, international admission, or foreign education. Distance learning, Leader Schooling and parttime understudies/course are not qualified.
Students’ scores must not be lower than 60% or a 2.5 GPA, and applications that are incomplete will not be considered. Documents required must be included. Latest SEEF Scholarships
The candidate for the Scholarship will be disqualified if they provide inaccurate or incomplete information. Students who have dropped out or passed out will not be considered.
How to apply for SEEF Scholarship 2023
- The Sindh Education Endowment Fund website contains the SEEF Scholarship 2023 application form.
- Please go to: A list of universities and institutions is available at
- Forms for applications can be downloaded.
What is the last date of seef scholarship 2023?
Who is eligible for seef scholarship?
How to apply for Sindh Endowment Fund scholarship?
Applicant’s Parents/ Guardian Annual net income would not be more than 1.5 million.
Minimum GPA of applicant would be 2.5 or 60%.
Domicile of Sindh Province.
Admission in Local University included in panel of SEEF.