HEC Commonwealth Scholarships– Applications are welcomed for the HEC Region Grants 2024. The cutoff time to apply for the HEC Ward Grants is October 17, 2023. Completely financed grants are accessible to understudies
who need to seek after their lord’s or doctoral certificates in any country on the planet. Grants are accessible under six formative topics: access, consideration, and opportunity; advancing worldwide success; upgrading worldwide harmony, security,
HEC Commonwealth Scholarships and administration; improving versatility and critical thinking abilities; what’s more, reinforcing science and improvement innovation. HEC Commonwealth Scholarships
The UK Unfamiliar Republic and Improvement Office (FCDO) and HEC are subsidizing the Region Bosses Grant 2023 to help continuous advancement in low-and major league salary countries. The Federation store is circulated for the current year under six unique headings,
HEC Commonwealth Scholarships including science and innovation, advancing world harmony, calamity readiness, medical services, and admittance to an open door. These engaging ideas are intended to spur individuals to add to a superior future.
In organization with the District Grant Commission (CSC) in the Unified Realm, the Advanced education Commission (HEC) of Pakistan offers the esteemed and serious HEC Republic Grant.
HEC Commonwealth Scholarships With the assistance of this grant program, Pakistani understudies will get the opportunity to sign up for expert’s and doctoral projects in advanced education in the UK.

About HEC Commonwealth Scholarships
- Offered Degrees: Master & PhD
- Scholarship Award: Fully Funded
- University Name: UK Universities
- Host Country: United Kingdom
- Funded by: HEC and Commonwealth
- Application Last Date: October 17, 2023
- Departures from your nation of origin to the UK and back at the finish of your honor should be supported (CSC won’t pay for any costs you spend or travel costs you cause before your award is affirmed).
- Educational cost charges are adequate.
- Payment (living remittance) at a month to month normal of £ 1,133, or £ 1,390 for understudies going to colleges in the more noteworthy London region.
- Award for comfortable dress as needs be.
- At the point when fundamental, a postulation award is accommodated the planning of a proposition or exposition.
- Survey the movement stipend according to travel costs for scholastic purposes inside the UK or abroad. HEC Commonwealth Scholarships
- A youngster support grant of £ 485 every month for the principal kid and £ 120 every month for each extra kid is accessible to widows, divorced people, and single guardians.
Academic Fields
- Sciences
- IT and PC
- Innovation for improvement
- Clinical Fields to Fortifying wellbeing frameworks and limit
- Advancing worldwide success
- Fortifying worldwide harmony,
- security and administration
- Fortifying versatility and reaction to emergencies
- Access, incorporation, and opportunity
- Expressions
- Business
Application Requirements
- Turn into a resident of Pakistan or AJK and a drawn out inhabitant of Pakistan or AJK. The two ethnicities are ineligible.
- Need to start your examinations in the UK in September or October 2022, toward the beginning of the scholarly year?
- By the cutoff time for applications, possibility for expert’s grants probably acquired their most memorable degree in the relevant postgraduate field of study (16-year Lone ranger’s or alternately Graduate degree).
- By the end date for applications, contender for Ph.D. bursaries probably procured a first degree at the same postgraduate testament level (17/18 Experts/MS/MPhil degree) in the subject of review.
- The possibility for submersion will not serve a second term in the board or last. Be that as it may, a two-second partition is allowed.
- Try not to apply to a UK college for an Expert’s, Ph.D., or MPhil prompting a Ph.D. until September or October 2023. HEC Commonwealth Scholarships
- You are as of now chasing after an Expert’s, Ph.D., or MPhil prompting a Ph.D. program in your nation of origin or another.
- Incorporate no less than one UK college that could act as a potential head as help on your application. ( Ph.D.)
- Kindly present the applicable administrative work in the suitable configuration.
- Without this schooling, I wouldn’t have the option to bear to concentrate on in the UK.
- During the web-based application process in the UK, two references were given.
- You require a score of no less than 70% on the HEC Fitness Test (Cap).
Deadline for HEC Commonwealth Scholarships 2024
The deadline to apply for the HEC Commonwealth Scholarships is October 17, 2023.
How To Apply
- The authority site is the best spot to begin if you have any desire to more deeply study HEC District Grants.
- There, you can find exhaustive subtleties on the projects and courses gave. Entrance prerequisites and cycles, grounds conveniences, understudy life, and significantly more.
- You can likewise find more about the college’s workforce, representatives, research attempts, and local area outreach programs.
- The site could likewise give clients admittance to online apparatuses including course inventories, understudy handbooks, and scholastic schedules.
- The college’s true site is a fabulous asset to investigate whether you are a likely understudy, an ongoing understudy, or basically keen on find out about the establishment.