Every academic year, Global Minds Doctoral Scholarships selects outstanding students from developing nations as Remarkable Scholarships Programme at KU Leuven 2023 scholarship candidates to obtain a PhD from the largest university in Belgium,
one of its contributions to development cooperation. The Worldwide Personalities Program is overseen by IRO, the college’s Interfaculty Chamber for Improvement Collaboration. Global Minds Doctoral Scholarships
The objective is to provide students with the opportunity to conduct PhD research in a “sandwich” manner, with a local co-promoter supporting 50% of the research
Global Minds Doctoral Scholarships at KU Leuven and 50% at the scholar’s home institution. The PhD degree is granted by KU Leuven.

Detail Of Global Minds Doctoral Scholarships
- Host Institution(s):
- K.U. Leuven and your Home Institution
- Field(s) of study:
- PhD Research Degree in development-related topics
- Number of Scholarships:
- Not specified
Scholarship Benefits:
Qualified Understudies will be granted:
- Full educational expense waiver
- 100 percent of the net compensation of a collaborator (approx.. 2199 euro/month) Global Minds Doctoral Scholarships
- Four return tickets in economy class.
- Belgian government managed retirement inclusion
- Wellbeing, expert, and mishap protection
- Management stipend
Eligibility Criteria:
- The candidate should be a resident of one of the nations remembered for this rundown. Global Minds Doctoral Scholarships
- Applicants who hold citizenship of the EU won’t be chosen. The same is true for applicants who hold a long-term residence permit from the EU.
- The candidate’s most recent Master’s degree must have been granted no more than ten years ago, including the current calendar year, on October 1, 2023.
- The competitor probably been granted a scholarly grade comparable to High Qualification or higher. Degrees obtained with a final grade point average of second class or lower will not be considered. Global Minds Doctoral Scholarships
- The exploration project should be of brilliant scholarly quality, with an extraordinary spotlight on the improvement pertinence of the proposition.
- The examination project should make some reasonable memories outline showing how the exploration time frames at KU Leuven and at the home foundation will substitute (a most extreme time of a year at the home organization ought to substitute with a greatest time of a year at KU Leuven).
- The competitor should be officially partnered to a college in the nation of origin. On the off chance that the applicant has no such connection yet, he/she is qualified to apply to this grant program however might be conceded the grant once such an association is acquired. Global Minds Doctoral Scholarships
- The candidate’s home college should exhibit adequate monetary help for the doctoral undertaking, ensuring that the competitor gets monetary means, through a completely subsidized full time position including government managed retirement inclusion like the staff individuals with similar level and capabilities inside the home organization.
- Additionally, the candidate’s home institution must provide written assurance that they will be able to devote sufficient time and effort to conducting doctoral research during their time there.
- The contract will state that the doctoral research should take up at least 80% of the time spent at the home institution. Global Minds Doctoral Scholarships
- Up-and-comers who are not yet partnered to a college in their nation of origin ought to introduce a Letter of Goal from the home organization flagging that the competitor will be selected and given the task to direct the doctoral exploration at that foundation.
- The grant may be conceded once the up-and-comer is officially partnered to a college in the nation of origin and when, subsequently, that college can show adequate help. Global Minds Doctoral Scholarships
- This program is not open to candidates who are KU Leuven-funded PhD students already enrolled in the program. However, they might be qualified for the PhD Grants for Scientists from the South.
- This scholarship is not available to candidates who have previously held employment in a country outside of Belgium that is a member of the EEA. However, they might be qualified for the PhD Grants for Scientists from the South.
- The competitor should show an improvement situated inspiration.
- A promoter from KU Leuven must back the candidate.
- The up-and-comer should be upheld by a neighborhood co-advertiser at his/her home college.
- At least two relevant referees must provide excellent recommendations to the candidate.
- The two-step application process must be followed by the candidate. Before you can apply for a KU Leuven Global Minds Doctoral Scholarship, you need to get permission to enroll as a doctoral student at KU Leuven.
- We strongly advise beginning this procedure at least 2.5 months prior to the deadline, which is 29 April.
- If you start it too late, the doctoral committees or doctoral schools may not be able to evaluate it in time! Global Minds Doctoral Scholarships
- The application cutoff time is 29 April at 05.00 PM GMT. Applications are submitted utilizing a computerized application structure (accessible straightaway – see ‘Grant application structure’).
- Additional requirements, such as the number of pages, language, attachments, and so on, can be found in this form.
- The applicant has perused and consented to the Guidelines, Commitments and Conditions for Ending the KU Leuven Worldwide Personalities Doctoral Grant.
- The applicant should likewise adjust to the Inner Guidelines for the Granting of PhD Grants at KU Leuven (kindly counsel your promotor on this).
- Competitors are asked not to present their application except if it satisfies the circumstances recorded previously. Inadequate or late applications won’t be thought about. There will be no exceptions made.
Application Procedure:
- Candidates must first be admitted to a (pre-)doctoral program in order to be eligible to apply for a GM scholarship.
- If it’s not too much trouble, adhere to the internet based application directions precisely.
- Make a point to early get confirmation. We emphatically recommend you get the affirmation 2.5 months in front of the cutoff time of the PhD grant call (29 April). It’s possible that late-starting applications won’t be evaluated in time.
- Please contact admissions.phd@kuleuven.be with any inquiries regarding the application process.
- Fragmented applications won’t be thought of. There will be no exceptions made.